Sunday, October 19, 2008

thoughts on Evangelism

Wow. I had high expectations for Rev. Bezuyen's talk, but they were far exceeded!
I think I'm going to have an interesting week. I'd like to think I'll keep the fire that was kindled in me tonight, but the sad reality is I'll probably go back to the old habits, the old sins.
I'll let the odd swear-word slip, I'll make fun of someone just because people around me are, I won't do my work to the best of my ability...

But this will come to mind, I'm sure- I am a light to all those around me, at school - even if it is a Christian school, at home - even to my little sister, everywhere I go. I am, whether I like it or not, an ambassador of the Christian Faith.
Here's praying I don't spoil our reputation.

Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-control. Just thought I'd remind myself (and maybe you) what we're supposed to be modeling.

Have a Blessed week. And Get Stoked For Roots Community Day.



1 comment:

BW Youth Group said...

agreed totally - I'm definitely going to be taking that core 'be a salt' meaning with me too

ps: i think this might very well be the first comment on a blog post. woot.

mike k