Monday, October 26, 2009

Tri-City Kick Off !

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to read our blog, today's update is just a short one.

This past Sunday we were invited to attend Guelph's 4th annual tri-city kick off. This year there were actually 4 cities: Guelph, Fergus, Elora and Burlington- Waterdown.

Although it was not a Youth Group weekend, 20 'Youth Groupers' went to Guelph's afternoon service and then headed off to the Lodder's house for some sports, games, food and fellowship. There were 80-100 people at the Lodder's! We would like to thank the Guelph Youth Group for hosting this event and for inviting us and we'd like to thank the Lodder's for allowing a huge amount of youth to invade your house and yard! Thank you!

Until next time,

Janelle Kasper

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This past Sunday our YG was invited by Burlington South's YG to an event, so instead of studying from our book we took a little break and headed to South church for the evening. We enjoyed listening to Scott Aasman give a short talk about prayer and then we were entertained by Guido's Back2U band. Overall, it was a great evening, it was awesome to see so many YG members there and BIG thanks to Burlington South's YG for hosting the event :)

Next Sunday (Oct. 25), we are going to Guelph for the afternoon for the Tri-city where we will go the Guelph church in the afternoon and then have a BBQ at the Lodder's house. And we need to know who is all coming and if you need a ride. So please let Carissa or Janelle know if you are needing a ride or can drive. The meeting place will be NO LATER then 2pm at the Kasper's house.

Our next study meeting will be November 1st and we will get back to studying the book. Also we have kid's night coming up on November 7th. It will be held at the church from 3-7, so make sure you book the day off work so that you can help. If you are wanting to sign your children up for the afternoon, just send an e-mail to

On behalf of the Youth Group,


Monday, October 5, 2009

First Meeting!

Hey everyone!

We held our first study meeting this past Sunday, and it went great! We saw about 45 people come out, both old and new faces + some of their friends.

We kicked off the year with a discussion on Colossians 1:1-14, learning about what it is to be a true church community and how to function within one! We're hoping to pick up where we left off, around Question 7 of Section 1, next meeting, so be sure to do your fore study!

Not only was the discussion great, we also had the privilege of being graced by Rev. Doug and Karen Vandeburgt's presence! We had a great time worshiping with them and are looking forward to using their house in the future for one of our meetings!

Hopefully within the next few days I'll have some pictures to put up from this past meeting, but until then you'll have to develop your own from my post.

Keep checking back, as we'll be updating the calendar + you with new events over the next week,

On behalf of the Youth Group,

Mike Krikke

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bulletin Board!

The Youth Group has created a bulletin board in the church basement, check out the above picture for a sneak preview! Take a look next time you get a chance in church, you might see yourself on there!

Keep checking both the electronic bulletin board (the blog + Facebook) but also our new board in the basement for upcoming congregational events and upcoming Youth Group Meetings.

Have a blessed Sunday,

BW Youth Group Leaders