Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Last meeting of 2009

This past Sunday (December 13th) we concluded our 2009 Youth Group season. The Ludwigs, gladly, allowed us into their house for this meeting which began with some socializing and then some popular Christmas songs. After that, we exchanged our $5 gift certificates. To do this we played a small game, take a look at the link to see the rules: Gift Card Game. It was a lot of fun, and people got a wide variety of gift cards from, Tim Horton's, McDonald's, Chapters, Starbucks, Blockbuster, Harvey's, Booster Juice and The Bulk Barn.

Then, for the second year in a row we made cards for the entire congregation. Everyone put their creative skills to work, making over 100 cards, which we in turn put in mailboxes this upcoming Sunday.

Overall, I think that everyone had a great night and it was a great to end the 2009 season. But don't forget about the free skating that YG is hosting for the congregation on Dec. 28, 6-9 at North Wentworth arena.

On behalf of the YG leaders, we wish you and your family the Lord's blessing during this Christmas season. See you all back in the new year.


1 comment:

Rickand Denise said...

Thank you for not posting pics of the oven fire that was taking place in the kitchen. Blessings for 2010 Youth Group!

Mrs. L.