Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Meeting -- November 29, 2009

This past Sunday, our pastor and his wife invited the entire Youth Group to have our bible study at their home. Thank you!

As always, we started our meeting with announcements. Here they are in case you forgot:

1. VBS will be starting up again the first week of the summer, keep that in the back of your mind as you start holidays, it's great for volunteer hours!
2. December 10 there is a Christmas sing-a-long at some local old age homes. We'd like to see a number of youth show up (with their instruments). Check the bulletin for details.
3. December 29 there is our first Burlington Waterdown Public Skate. It is at North-Wentworth Arena from 6-9 p.m.
4. Our next meeting will be at the Ludwigs on December 13. Do not forget your $5 gift card for our gift card exchange. We will also be making cards, so bring your craft supplies and creativity.

Now to our study session.
We studied Colossians 1: 15-27. We spent some time looking at how the Bible describes Jesus and how he is the head of the church. We discussed how we have Christ keeping our lives together ( a cosmic adhesive). We are all followers of Christ and are therefore "holy", "without blemish" and "free from accusation". How blessed we are! How comforted we feel!

We must continue to pray for our relationships with others, especially those who we hope and pray will turn their life to Christ.

Finally, we finished our evening off with a game of taboo!

On behalf of the Youth Group,


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