Hey everyone! We haven't posted anything for awhile, so I thought it was high time for an update.
We have been busy the last few months studying our book "What Do I Owe?" in small groups. In general, the small group format has been working really well, creating more opportunity for discussion and fellowship within YG. Our new song books have been a big hit as well!
We kicked off our season with a garage sale to raise money to cover our study guides. We had a ton of fun wheelin' and dealin' with people in Waterdown and we made enough money to cover our costs! Soon after, we had a deacon from our church give a talk about giving and stewardship. We also participated in a Service Sunday and held a Senior's Tea for the senior members of our congregation. What's next? A Christmas party/wrap-up meeting this Sunday (including a gift card gift exchange game), singing at Retirement Homes on December 16th and helping out with the Christmas Day Service. In the New Year, we will be starting a new study guide (TBA) and will be shifting our focus to service in the community.
Have a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year:)