Hey everyone! As summer draws to a close and the leaves start changing colour, our thoughts start turning towards all the regular activities that we had put on hold for the summer. After a 2 or 3 month hiatus, we are preparing for a new season of Bible study and fellowship with Youth Group! And there are a lot of exciting things to look forward to!
First of all, we unfortunately had to say "farewell" to a few of our leaders from last season. Thank you Mike, Carissa, and Janelle for all of your hard work and dedication. It was greatly appreciated and we will miss you! May God bless your further involvement in Bible studies and Home Mission and may He make you a blessing to others wherever He has called you to use your leadership talents!
This season, we welcome Karin, Justin, Nadine, and Rachel to our leadership team. They all have lots of ideas and lots of enthusiasm and we pray that God will use them and bless them as they serve Him in this way!
Speaking of service, that is what we have chosen as our theme for this year. Our theme text will be: "Each one of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10) At the time of writing this, we have yet to firmly decide upon a study guide, but we are working hard on that and will have one ready to go for our first study meeting on Sunday October 3rd!
Below is the "welcome letter" being handed out to all prospective members of YG for this season. It further explains the theme that has been chosen and gives other important updates:
“Be Renewed” Burlington-Waterdown Youth Group invites YOU to join us this season as we take a closer look at our role as servants in God’s kingdom. Jesus is our ultimate example of what it means to be a true servant and it is from Him that we receive the call to serve one another:
“When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. ‘Do you understand what I have done for you?’ he asked them. ‘You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’, and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should also wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.’” – John 13:12-15
This season, we will explore how we can be servants within three different spheres: our own church, the communities that we live in, and in our global community. Through Bible study, hang-out time with fellow Youth Group members, and various service activities, we hope to grow together in faith and fellowship and be actively involved in the spread of the Gospel.
So, how exactly are we going to do all of this? Here are some more details!
•Your Youth Group Leaders are: Karin Helder, Rosalyn Kieft, Liana Hordyk, Justin Krikke, Danielle Ludwig, Nadine Krikke, James Reinink, Sara Vanderhorst, Rachel Kieft
•Teens and young adults from Grade 9 up are welcome to attend Youth Group and participate in all the awesome activities! Boyfriends/girlfriends, cousins, friends etc. are more than welcome to visit as guests at any time as well. If you are going to be bringing a more ‘permanent’ guest, let us know so we can make sure we will have enough study guides etc.
•In September, we have several events that you can be a part of!
oSaturday, September 11th: Church picnic, the Youth Group leads games for kids and adults (Don’t forget to wear a funky/ugly t-shirt! Best shirt wins a prize!)
oSaturday, September 25th: Youth Group garage sale to raise funds for this season (more details on attached sign-up sheet)
oSunday, September 26th: Youth Group Kick-off evening – a hike after the second service and a potluck dinner at the church, followed by a speech by Rev. Vandeburgt and some great social time!
•Starting in October, we will have bi-weekly study meetings on Sunday nights starting at 7:00
oFirst study meeting: Sunday, October 3rd, location TBA
oNEW THIS YEAR: We are going to have the same small study groups each time we meet for the duration of our study (more on this on September 26th)
•We will host several speakers throughout our study season connected to our theme
•We will have various ‘service’ days where we will get together to serve people within our congregation, at different mission/outreach centres and we will raise funds to help in foreign missions as well
•There will be several fun fellowship events throughout the year: eg. laser-tag, snow-tubing, baseball games etc.
•We have a large Youth Group, but we really enjoy meeting in the homes of the members of our congregation because it provides a comfortable atmosphere and promotes fellowship with church members of all ages – if you and your family are willing to host us on a Sunday evening, send us an email and we will try to ask you well in advance which date works for you!
•Information about Youth Group can be found online at bwyouthgroup.blogspot.com or by emailing us at bwyouthgroup@gmail.com or by joining our Facebook group (Burlington-Waterdown Youth Group), on the bulletin board in the church basement, and through weekly or bi-weekly updates in the church bulletin…also, feel free to Facebook or speak directly to any of the Leaders at any time!
•As mentioned earlier, we meet on Sunday evenings for Bible study at 7:00 (meeting time will change to 7:30 when we return to 11:00 and 4:00 for Sunday service times)
•Social outings, service days and other events will mostly take place on Fridays and Saturdays…we will do our best to give lots of notice so you have the opportunity to book it off of work!
•As Christians, it is important to remember that we are part of a body. We need to get to know each other, study God’s Word together, and act as a support to one another. It is a really great and special thing to be able to meet together as the youth of this church and get to know each other in the best way possible – as brothers and sisters in Christ, brought together in this church family. As Leaders, we take this very seriously and will work hard to make sure everyone feels safe and free to learn and grow and is valued and included as a member of this family, but we need everyone to be on board with this. God has given us the blessing of fellowship; let’s show we are thankful by loving and serving one another!
•Just show up! Bring yourself, your Bible, the talents God has blessed you with, and a willingness to serve
•Pray for the Leaders and the Youth Group members that we will be able to serve to the best of our ability and strive to follow Jesus’ example
We look forward to serving with you!
Karin, Rosalyn, Liana, Justin, Danielle, Nadine, James, Sara, Rachel